10 years in the making, this new PhotoTech 633nm red light therapy system blows everything out of the water, with an intensity that rival many medical grade 633nm systems. Over 3 decades of experience go into each of these LED systems, and 6144 individual LEDs go into each system, giving you the most intense therapy possible.
Comparing tube vs tube with fluorescent lamps, the PhotoTech 633nm tube emits 8 times the amount of light between 631nm-655nm, the range that makes all 633nm beds work. Fluorescent tubes are strongest at around 620-627nm, well below the target of 633. They still produce a fair amount of 633 due to bleed over. Our LED systems peak at 632nm, right in the sweet spot for maximum results. What all this technical stuff means is simple: Fluorescent bulbs do ok but most of the light you see is the wrong frequency. Our LEDs put almost every watt of power exactly in the sweet spot. That is how you get much more real world power, at the right frequency.
How can we build a $35,000 red light therapy system and sell it for a fraction? Rather than build a bench only design, or new clam shell system, we inherit the SunMaster/PhotoTech E Series frame. We've sold tens of thousands of these for traditional red light therapy systems, and they stand up to abuse well. They are powder coated, 100% welded steel construction, and built for decades of use in a commercial environment. Using this proven and popular platform saves us many thousands in engineering.
Next, we do what no other red light LED manufacturer does: We use an extruded tube to hold the LEDs. To the eye, they look like odd looking T8 fluorescent tubes, but they aren't fluorescent at all. They use a solid aluminum shell for direct cooling, acrylic dome for protection, and use a custom driver made exclusively for us. This means if any row of LEDs ever failed, it takes just a few minutes to replace it. Unlike LED panel systems, ours are 100% user serviceable, and based around industry standards. They produce much less waste heat than fluorescent tubes, so the client is more comfortable, and your air conditioning requirements are negligible.
Instead of using a handful of 5w LEDs, we use 6144 smaller LEDs, which makes it run cooler, puts out more 633nm light, and makes them last longer. Average lifespan of the LEDs should be up to 20,000 hours and they are replaceable. This is 60,000 sessions at 20 minutes each. Put another way, 2 sessions per hour, 10 hour days, 300 days per year = 10 years. Average session is estimated at only 20 minutes, so your number will actually be better.
Call now and talk to Rick about purchasing one of these premium LED systems. Costing a fraction of similar powered systems, and delivering almost a full factor more power than fluorescent tubes, the PhotoTech LED is the system that will differentiate you in the market place, letting you give your clients more, while spending less. 1-800-274-1744 x123
Uses 24 of our exclusive 633nm LED sticks with 256 LEDs per stick, for a total of 6144 LEDs.
Power requirements: 120v/15a circuit, just plugs into any wall socket.